I am starting out to play around with Ruby and trying to make a desktop app using Ruby and wxRuby.
So, to start out with a new ruby only project, I have few questions:
I need a standard directory structure, what is the best possible way to do it? I tried out newgem with details here, but it seems that that the newgem website is not updated and the folder structure described on their website is different that what is generated on my machine. More over, it requires a rubyforge repo, but I want my project on github, so how do I get around it? (I think newgem used hoe to create the folder structure)
I need a use a build tool, I have used ant and maven for Java, so what is the best build tool for Ruby only projects?
What is the "standard" way you guys make a Ruby project?
I just need a headstart, like in Java, I use Eclipse, create a new project, create an ant file and I am good to go. Now, since I am not using an IDE for Ruby (using textmate), how should I go about it?
And here an example: Create your first ruby gem and release it to gemcutter
As for github, they stopped direct gem building but still you can host your source there easily.
To distribute your application as executable have a look at RubyScript2Exe or OCRA