I know that codeIgniter turns off GET parameters by default.
But by having everything done in POST, don't you get annoyed by the re-send data requests if ever you press back after a form submission?
It annoys me, but I'm not sure if I want to allow GET purely for this reason.
Is it such a big security issue to allow GET parameters too?
my parameter is ?uid=4 and get it with:
A little bit out of topic, but I was looking for a get function in CodeIgniter just to pass some variables between controllers and come across Flashdata.
see : http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/sessions.html
Flashdata allows you to create a quick session data that will only be available for the next server request, and are then automatically cleared.
Now it works ok from CodeIgniter 2.1.0
ONLY worked for me after I added the following line to applications/config/config.php:$config['uri_protocol'] = "PATH_INFO";
I found $_GET params not to really be necessary in CI, but Facebook and other sites dump GET params to the end of links which would 404 for my CI site!! By adding the line above in config.php, those pages worked. I hope this helps people!
(from http://www.maheshchari.com/work-to-get-method-on-codeigniter/)
allesklar: That is slightly misleading, as scripts and bots can POST data nearly as easily as sending a normal request. It's not a secret, it's part of HTTP.
This worked for me :
array contains the parameters passed after the ? character