I am using Three.js (r64) to render some models. I am using the included THREE.OBJMTLLoader. I am trying to render a chair by providing the .obj and .mtl to the loader. I also have a png of a normal map I'd like to apply to it. Below are two screen shots of what I am experiencing.
Screenshot of model if no normal map is applied, notice the color is as expected but shows the lo-res quality since normal mapping isn't applied:
Screenshot of model if normal mapping is applied to the "map" field of the material. Notice it now looks hi-res but the color is not right, probably because of how I'm applying the texture to the material:
If I apply the texture to the "normalMap" field of the material, the model disappears.
Below is a snippet of the code I am using to render the model:
var chairNormalMap = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('../Models/BanquetChair/BanquetChairNormalMap.png');
loader.load('../Models/BanquetChair/BanquetChair.obj', '../Models/BanquetChair/BanquetChair.mtl', function (object) {
materials.push.apply(materials, object.children);
object.traverse(function (child) {
if (child instanceof THREE.Mesh) {
var chairNormalMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial();
// if this line is applied, the model will disappear
chairNormalMaterial.normalMap = chairNormalMap;
// if this line is applied, the normals look great but then the chair is the color of the normal map
chairNormalMaterial.map = chairNormalMap;
child.material = chairNormalMaterial;
object.position.y = -80;
object.receiveShadow = true;
I hope that I have explained my attempts well enough, i'm hoping it's as simple as using a different property in the material. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you!
You need to add a light to your scene, and make sure your textures are loaded by using callbacks.
three.js r.64