I have a video feed which is taken with a moving camera and contains moving objects. I would like to stabilize the video, so that all stationary objects will remain stationary in the video feed. How can I do this with OpenCV?
i.e. For example, if I have two images prev_frame and next_frame, how do I transform next_frame so the video camera appears stationary?
I past my answer from this one. How to stabilize Webcam video?
Yesterday I just did some works (in
) on this subject, main steps are:cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack
to find good corners.cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK
to track the corners.cv2.findHomography
to compute the homography matrix.cv2.warpPerspective
to transform video frame.But the result is not that ideal now, may be I should choose
SIFT keypoints
other thangoodFeatures
Stabilize the car:
openCV now has a video stabilization class: http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/d5/d50/group__videostab.html
Here is already good answer, but it use a little bit old algorithm and I developed the program to solve the similar problem so i add additional answer.
OpenCV has the functions estimateRigidTransform() and warpAffine() which handle this sort of problem really well.
Its pretty much as simple as this:
contains the contents offrame2
that is best aligned to fit toframe1
. For large shifts, M will be a zero Matrix or it might not be a Matrix at all, depending on the version of OpenCV, so you'd have to filter those and not apply them. I'm not sure how large that is; maybe half the frame width, maybe more.The third parameter to estimateRigidTransform is a boolean that tells it whether to also apply an arbitrary affine matrix or restrict it to translation/rotation/scaling. For the purposes of stabilizing an image from a camera you probably just want the latter. In fact, for camera image stabilization you might also want to remove any scaling from the returned matrix by normalizing it for only rotation and translation.
Also, for a moving camera, you'd probably want to sample M through time and calculate a mean.
Here are links to more info on estimateRigidTransform(), and warpAffine()
I should add the following remarks to complete zerm's answer. It will simplify your problem if one stationary object is chosen and then work with zerm's approach (1) with that single object. If you find a stationary object and apply the correction to it, I think it is safe to assume the other stationary objects will also look stable.
Although it is certainly valid for your tough problem, you will have the following problems with this approach:
Detection and homography estimation will sometimes fail for various reasons: occlusions, sudden moves, motion blur, severe lighting differences. You will have to search ways to handle it.
Your target object(s) might have occlusions, meaning its detection will fail on that frame and you will have to handle occlusions which is itself a whole research topic.
Depending on your hardware and the complexity of your solution, you might have some troubles achieving real-time results using SURF. You might try opencv's gpu implementation or other faster feature detectors like ORB, BRIEF or FREAK.
I can suggest one of the following solutions:
EDIT Three remarks I should better mention explicitly, just in case: