I had GCM implemented and I am trying to import GCM to FCM now. I dont want to use google-services.json because I want to use different google projects for different environments(Dev, Stag, Prod).
I tried to initialize the app via this code below
FirebaseOptions.Builder options=new FirebaseOptions.Builder();
options.setGcmSenderId("<<project id>>");
options.setApplicationId("<<Project name>>");
FirebaseApp firebaseApp = FirebaseApp.initializeApp(getApplicationContext(),options.build(),"MyTestFCM");
String refreshedToken= FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance(firebaseApp).getToken();
I keep getting exception on Firebase App initialization
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: FirebaseApp with name [DEFAULT] doesn't exist. Available app names: MyTestFCM
If I remove the app name then i dont get a token back, then when I re-run the application I get a token. I have tried to execute the above piece of code from Mainactivity and Application class. In both places I get the same error.
So my question is how do I initialize Firebase application without using google-services.json
Thanks, P
have you checked to make sure to set your FIREBASE_URL to the right string? Also did you make sure to have the appropriate app setup config?
Last time this happened, I needed to set up my Android App Configs. https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/7015592
Afterwards, you can follow this setup. https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/android/client
Firebase SDK requires to have a "default" project configured via
Once you have that you can register FCM sdk with other sender-id using the
But please note that the most recent FCM features (auto-retry of the registration, topic subscriptions) only work with the default project.
Please do double check, you added
apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services' at the bottom of app's gradle file and then clean and rebuild the project
So turns out that you need to use google-services.json for FCM, and to handle multiple build variants situation,
When the app builds, depending upon the build variant it looks for google-services.json in the respective folder and picks up the project details from it.
More details can be found on this thread google services issues 54
Thanks Arthur Thompson