Does SonarQube scanner support BlueOcean pipeline plugin without maven and docker, if it does how does the script works in Jenkinsfile?
I'm new to Jenkins and BlueOcean and have tried all the basic possible aspects available.
If the SonarQube plugin did support Declarative:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('SonarQube analysis') {
tools {
sonarQube 'SonarQube Scanner 2.8'
steps {
withSonarQubeEnv('SonarQube Scanner') {
sh 'sonar-scanner'
it is solved one just need to check the tool location in general tool configs and give the path adn call it in jenkins file.
enter image description here
We cannot say that the SonarQube scanner supports or does not support BlueOcean. BlueOcean is a presentation layer which displays data provided by stages (example: logs).
SonarQube scanner generates logs, so BlueOcean can displays it. I do not think that this type of relationship can be classified as a "support of".
You can execute an analysis in Declarative Pipeline by using the following code:
You have also add a SonarQube server in
Manage Jenkins → Configure System → SonarQube servers
:and SonarQube scanner in
Manage Jenkins → Global Tool Configuration → SonarQube Scanner
:The name of the:
(in my example it is equal to "SonarQube")tool
(in my example it is equal to "SonarQubeScanner3")You also have to check checkbox
Enable injection of SonarQube server configuration as build environment variables