I defined a function like this, in which there is a template template class
template<typename Key, typename Value, template <typename, typename> class Map>
struct ForEachOf {
void operator()(const Map<Key, Value>& map, std::function<void (Key, Value)> func) {
for(const auto& pair : map) {
func(pair.first, pair.second);
std::map<int, string> m { {1, "foo"}, {3, "bar"}};
ForEachOf<int, string, std::map> forEachOf;
forEachOf(m, [](int key, string value) {
cout << key << value;
However, above code is not able to compile. the error is like:
error: template template argument has different template parameters
than its corresponding template template parameter
ForEachOf<int, string, std::map> forEachOf;
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/../include/c++/v1/__tree:1119:5: note: too many template
parameters in template template argument
template <class, class, class, class> friend class _LIBCPP_TYPE_VIS_ONLY map;
note: previous template template parameter is here
template<typename Key, typename Value, template <typename, typename> class Map>
Then How to pass std::map
as the template template parameter here?
You don't really need template template parameter in the first place. You could make it
or even
Your problem is that
does not take only two template parameters.The solution is simply to add a template that takes only two parameters instead of four:
(See it)
Or, alternatively add the missing arguments with their defaults:
(See it)
Which can similarly be written by using a variadic type template:
(See it)
Of course, you could also just create a template function that takes the map and deduces everything:
(See it)