I followed the instructions given on this page to import the server certificate.
When I use keytool -list
, I can see that the certificate is actually in the keystore. If I try to import the .crt
file, keytool
warns me that the keystore already contains the certificate.
Then I updated wrapper.conf
with the two ssl options. I can see them on the command line of the Nexus process after a restart.
But when I try to add a proxy repo for the remote server, I always get sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
What did I miss?
Error message means the JVM cannot properly authenticate the remote server's SSL cert. Very common if the remote server is using a self-signed cert instead of one signed by an official certificate authority (like verisign).
Your message is confusing. You've enabled SSL on your Nexus instance, however you talk about a proxy repo implying the problem SSL cert might be on another server.
You have to import the custom CA certificate into the 'trustStore' and not into the 'keyStore'.
The procedure for creating a 'trustStore' is the same as the one for the 'keyStore'. Once you have your *.jks file then link it using the following system properties: