I want to allow the user to create "custom screens" dynamically by selecting from a existing set of fields at runtime i.e., everything should be done on App on the phone.
For example - existing set of fields = {name, location, picture, age}
User A wants to create a new screen with fields name, location and age.
and User B wants to have a screen with only name and picture.
These screens should be persistent and should be able to save, query and edit information in a local database on the phone.
Any help about how to achieve this in Android will be appreciated.
You will want to create these views dynamically in Java (not using layouts). I would put together some sort of XML schema, and then save it either in the DB or on the device. Then you could do things such as:
Create a PreferenceScreen and add some boolean preferences with the names of your fields. So, every user can configure which fields to show in your data activity.