We're using Doctrine, a PHP ORM. I am creating a query like this:
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('id')->from('MyTable');
and then in the function I'm adding in various where clauses and things as appropriate, like this
$q->where('normalisedname = ? OR name = ?', array($string, $originalString));
Later on, before execute()
-ing that query object, I want to print out the raw SQL in order to examine it, and do this:
However that only prints out the prepared statement, not the full query. I want to see what it is sending to the MySQL, but instead it is printing out a prepared statement, including ?
's. Is there some way to see the 'full' query?
You can check the query executed by your app if you log all the queries in mysql:
there will be more queries not only the one that you are looking for but you can grep for it.
but usually
to view all the mysql queries I use
and add those 2 lines:
and restart mysql
I have created a Doctrine2 Logger that does exactly this. It "hydrates" the parametrized sql query with the values using Doctrine 2 own data type conversors.
Usage Example:; The following peace of code will echo on standard output any INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE SQL sentences generated with $em Entity Manager,
There is no other real query, this is how prepared statements work. The values are bound in the database server, not in the application layer.
See my answer to this question: In PHP with PDO, how to check the final SQL parametrized query?
(Repeated here for convenience:)
does technically show the whole SQL command, but it's a lot more useful when you can see the parameters as well.To make this pattern more reusable, there's a nice approach described in the comments at Raw SQL from Doctrine Query Object.
Maybe it can be useful for someone: