I want to configure Rundeck to allow e-mail notifications.
My rundeck-config.properties
grails.mail.host = "smtp.gmail.com"
grails.mail.username = "name@domain.com"
grails.mail.port = 465
grails.mail.password = "******"
grails.mail.props = ["mail.smtp.starttls.enable":"true","mail.smtp.auth":"true","mail.smtp.socketFactory.port":"465","mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback":"false"]
When I run the Job, the error I get is:
2016-05-05 14:49:30,557 ERROR NotificationService - Error sending notification email to me@gmail.com for Execution 11: Mail ser
ver connection failed; nested exception is com.sun.mail.util.MailConnectException: Couldn't connect to host, port: "smtp.gmail.com", 465; ti
meout -1;
nested exception is:
java.net.UnknownHostException: "smtp.gmail.com". Failed messages: com.sun.mail.util.MailConnectException: Couldn't connect to host,
port: "smtp.gmail.com", 465; timeout -1;
nested exception is:
java.net.UnknownHostException: "smtp.gmail.com"
I tried everything I could find on Google but the error keeps the same.
I also tried to telnet smtp.gmail.com 465
and it works
Could someone help me?
You Must need to use .groovy file as props is not supported in .properties file
below is my rundeck-config.groovy file which is working fine
Reference: https://github.com/rundeck/rundeck/issues/1607