I've got a rather large dataset that I would like to decompose but is too big to load into memory. Researching my options, it seems that sklearn's IncrementalPCA is a good choice, but I can't quite figure out how to make it work.
I can load in the data just fine:
f = h5py.File('my_big_data.h5')
features = f['data']
And from this example, it seems I need to decide what size chunks I want to read from it:
num_rows = data.shape[0] # total number of rows in data
chunk_size = 10 # how many rows at a time to feed ipca
Then I can create my IncrementalPCA, stream the data chunk-by-chunk, and partially fit it (also from the example above):
ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2)
for i in range(0, num_rows//chunk_size):
ipca.partial_fit(features[i*chunk_size : (i+1)*chunk_size])
This all goes without error, but I'm not sure what to do next. How do I actually do the dimension reduction and get a new numpy array I can manipulate further and save?
The code above was for testing on a smaller subset of my data – as @ImanolLuengo correctly points out, it would be way better to use a larger number of dimensions and chunk size in the final code.
As you well guessed the fitting is done properly, although I would suggest increasing the
to 100 or 1000 (or even higher, depending on the shape of your data).What you have to do now to transform it, is actually transforming it:
And thats should give you your new transformed features. If you still have too many samples to fit in memory, I would suggest using
as another hdf5 dataset.Also, I would argue that reducing a huge dataset to 2 components is probably not a very good idea. But is hard to say without knowing the shape of your
. I would suggest reducing them tosqrt(features.shape[1])
, as it is a decent heuristic, or pro tip: useipca.explained_variance_ratio_
to determine the best amount of features for your affordable information loss threshold.Edit: as for the
, it returns a vector of dimensionn_components
that you pass as parameter to IPCA) where each value i inicates the percentage of the variance of your original data explained by the i-th new component.You can follow the procedure in this answer to extract how much information is preserved by the first n components:
Note: numbers are ficticius taken from the answer above assuming that you have reduced IPCA to 5 components. The i-th number indicates how much of the original data is explained by the first [0, i] components, as it is the cummulative sum of the explained variance ratio.
Thus, what is usually done, is to fit your PCA to the same number of components than your original data:
Then, after training on your whole data (with iteration +
) you can plotexplaine_variance_ratio_.cumsum()
and choose how much data you want to lose. Or do it automatically:The above will return the first index on the cumcum array where the value is
> 0.9
, this is, indicating the number of PCA components that preserve at least 90% of the original data.Then you can tweek the transformation to reflect it:
NOTE the slicing to
to just select only the firstk
components while ignoring the rest.