I've decided to step into the Backbone arena & after searching through BB's & Marionette's doc, I'm having a little trouble with something seemingly simple.
I'm simply trying to customize what's being display on the third record.
Here's how I would do it just using Rails
<% @posts.each_with_index do |post, i| %>
<% if i == 1 || i == 7 || i == 14 %><!-- 1st, 7th, & 14th record -->
display title, description & something else
<% else %><!-- other records -->
display only title
<% end %>
<% end %>
Using Backbone + Marionette + Underscore, here's how my records are displayed: controller
postsRegion: (posts) ->
postsView = @getPostsView posts
postsView.on "childview:posts:post:clicked", (child, post) ->
App.vent.trigger "posts:post:clicked", post
@layout.postsRegion.show postsView
getPostsView: (posts) ->
new List.Posts
collection: posts
class List.Post extends App.Views.ItemView
template: "posts/list/_post"
tagName: "li"
className: "span4 item"
"click" : -> @trigger "posts:post:clicked", @model
How do I make the the 1st, 7th, & the 14th (or just the third) record display something different? Also, being more of a designer, could anyone suggest any further readings on views using this js library?
You're likely going to run into issues with this type of behavior: Marionette collection views render an item view for each model in the collection. These item views, in turn, only adapt what is displayed (i.e. the rendered template) according to data in the model.
If you want to highlight every 7th item, I'd see the following options:
method to style those rows (easiest, but might have performance implications with large collections)appendHtml
to style the element if the number of rendered views (obtained via jQuery selector) is divisible by 7 (see https://github.com/marionettejs/backbone.marionette/blob/master/docs/marionette.collectionview.md#collectionviews-appendhtml), or by using an external counter (e.g. defined on the view)All in all, you'll be facing an uphill battle, and your life will be MUCH easier with Marionette if you could instead use a model attribute for the styling purposes. Note that this model attribute wouldn't have to be persisted on the server...
In your collection view, you should be able to pass options to item views based on index like follows:
The Marionette docs are actually really awesome. The function in question can be found here.