I need to make a library with swift that support both swift and object c project (also support xcode 5), this will be a distribution library (do not share source code). There are two ways to do this: create a Cocoa Touch Framework or create a Cocoa Touch Static Library. I make some research, but still find out the solution. It seems the Cocoa Touch Framework not support to buid a distribution library, and I'm not sure the Cocoa Touch Static Library work perfect with with Swift yet or not. Any solutions for it. Thanks.
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I faced the same issue as you to build one Pod library for both Swift and Objective-C, using pure code respectively without messing languages or include bridging headers. Actually I didn't try it by myself, but I came to several possible solutions:
1) To use a different branches of the same repo:
2) Experimenting with Subspecs as a way to install a subset of your library. (official cocoapods documentation: subspec )
It probably would look like:
pod 'YourPodLib/Swift'
Maybe my approach is far away from being ideal, but I would be appreciate if you correct me or suggest a better idea.
A very good example for this kind of library is Realm.
They both support swift and objective-c project integration. Check the repo on GitHub , and browse it : here
In fact, they have all the library coded in Objective-C, and the add Support for swift specifecity with extensions on objects used by the client. (For example, check the Realm/RLMSwiftSupport.m in their repo)
To access a Swift class in Objective-C, just add
in your Swift Class and it will be available in Objective-C files.Read the this for more informations about Objective-C and Swift working together