I want to embed a ShareThis/AddThis button on my site but the site's navigation relies on Hash tags in the url. Each page is assigned a unique hash value (ie, http://domain.com/index.php#products). Changing the navigation/page design isn't an option. Will these service preserve the hash value (both embed JS on the page)? If they don't, what are some alternative solutions?
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Just replace the # with %23 (the URL encoded version of #) and you'll be fine. ;) I like to use the "remote" version of addthis :
The javascript button's share-url can be set manually for both services.
AddThis docs: http://www.addthis.com/help/sharing-api
Excerpt from ShareThis doc's (http://blog.sharethis.com/faq/developers-faq/sharethis-api-examples/)