I'm new to Rails and am fixing a Rails 2 site. I have a form that lets the user add information for the starting location (:start) EITHER with an input OR with a dropdown field. However, I have found that when I include both options, only the dropdown (which comes last) submits data, while the input is ignored. What's the right way to include both options?
<% form_for @newsavedmap, :html=>{:id=>'createaMap'} do |f| %>
<%= f.error_messages %>
<p>Enter a street address, city, and state:
<%= f.text_field :start, {:id=>"startinput", :size=>50}%></p>
<p>Or, select a location from the list:
<%= f.select :start, options_for_select(@itinerary.locations), {:include_blank => true }, {:id=>"startdrop"} %>
<input type="submit" id="savethismap" value="Save Map">
<% end %>
One way to achieve this is by using virtual attributes. Since both fields map to same attribute, you are going to have to pick which one to use.
Then your form needs to use the virtual attributes:
Other options are: