I'm quite new to vba coding with adobe and can't get any code to work. I first need to open a pdf located in my documents (with adobe acrobat) and then edit the 5th page by adding a textbox/or a number of text boxes. I was wondering if this was possible and if there was code to do this. I have Adobe Acrobat XI Standard, which allows me to edit pdfs manually and create text boxes where needed. Any help would be much appreciated.
After trawling through adobes documentation on OLE automation and API references, I found that you can actually code very well in VBA with acrobat. Enjoy and adapt to your needs. Here is a link to adobe's API reference: http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/iac_api_reference.pdf
There a several ways to communicate with acrobat from vba/vbs (see Acrobat SDK / IAC section). But for me the best is to work with Acrobat Form API, which allows to work more ore less direct with js-code.
Following you will find an vbs/vba example how to add text on the first page (zero based: first page = 0).
Please look for further methods and properties and especially for defining the rect (place/array to set the box) at the "Acrobat JavaScript API Reference". Good luck, Reinhard