I use android AccountManager to get authToken like this:
private void getGoogleAccountName(){
.getAuthTokenByFeatures("com.google", "oauth2:https://gdata.youtube.com", null, activity, null, null, this, null);
// I implement AccountManagerCallback<Bundle> in this class
public void run(AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> future) {
boolean hasAccount = checkGoogleAccount(future);
if (hasAccount) {
private boolean checkGoogleAccount(AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> future){
try {
Bundle bundle = future.getResult();
accountName = bundle.getString(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME);
authToken = bundle.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return true;
then I use google apis with authToken trying to get user's playlists
private void getYoutubeVideoByLib(String pageToken){
YouTube youtube = new YouTube.Builder(
new NetHttpTransport(),
new JacksonFactory(),
new HttpRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(HttpRequest request) throws IOException {
YouTube.Playlists.List query = null;
query = youtube.playlists().list("snippet");
if(!TextUtils.isEmpty(pageToken)) {
PlaylistListResponse response = query.execute();
} catch(IOException e) {
but I found out some google account got GoogleJsonResponseException in query.execute();
com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonResponseException: 401 Unauthorized
"code" : 401,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"location" : "Authorization",
"locationType" : "header",
"message" : "Invalid Credentials",
"reason" : "authError"
} ],
"message" : "Invalid Credentials"
the weird thing is that, some accounts work fine before but after these users got this exception, they can't get their playlists anymore.
Does anyone meet the same problem?
I solved it myself. I made a big mistake... In google developer console, I set API KEY but not OAuth 2.0 client ID. After setting both and change code below, it work fine now.
String[] SCOPES = {YouTubeScopes.YOUTUBE_READONLY};
GoogleAccountCredential credential = GoogleAccountCredential.usingOAuth2(getApplicationContext(), Arrays.asList(SCOPES));
YouTube youtube = new YouTube.Builder(transport, jsonFactory, credential).setApplicationName(getString(R.string.app_name)).build();