I'm trying to setup a private docker registry using the image taken from: https://github.com/docker/docker-registry
Just by running:
docker run -p 5000:5000 registry
I can pull/push from/to this repository only from localhost, but if i try to access it from another machine (using a private address on the same LAN) it fails with an error message:
*2014/11/03 09:49:04 Error: Invalid registry endpoint https ://':
Get https:// Forbidden. If this private
registry supports only HTTP or HTTPS with an unknown CA certificate,
please add `--insecure-registry` to the daemon's
arguments. In the case of HTTPS, if you have access to the registry's
CA certificate, no need for the flag; simply place the CA certificate
at /etc/docker/certs.d/*
What drives me crazy is that I can access it successfully using:
and/or curl
I also don't understand where and how I should pass the --insecure-registry
In addition to the above answers, I am adding what worked in "docker for mac" for me:
This is what worked for me on CentOS 7.2 and Docker 1.12.1 (latest as on date). My private registry v2 was running on
, change it accordingly. This also works if you have multiple registries, just keep on adding--insecure-registry IP:Port
Ok. Here is how I got it to work. If you see this error in docker 1.3.2 or above, do this
go to
and run
sudo service docker restart
Setting Local insecure registry in docker along with proxy:
1) in ubuntu add the following flag --insecure-registry IP:port under DOCKER_OPTS in file /etc/default/docker
1.1) configure no_proxy env variable to bypass local IP/hostname/domainname...as proxy can throw a interactive msg ...like continue and this intermediate msg confuses docker client and finally timesout...
1.2) if domainname is configured...then don't forget to update /etc/hosts file if not using DNS.
1.3) in /etc/default/docker set the env variables http_proxy and https_proxy...as it enables to download images from outside company hubs. format http_proxy=http://username:password@proxy:port
2) restart the docker service...if installed as service, use sudo service docker restart
3) restart the registry container [sudo docker run -p 5000:5000 registry:2 ]
4) tag the required image using sudo docker tag imageid IP:port/imagename/tagname ifany
5) push the image ...sudo docker push ip:port/imagename
6) If u want to pull the image from another machine say B without TLS/SSL,then in B apply setps 1,1.1 and 2. If these changes are not done in machine B...pull will fail.
OK - I found the solution to this - after a day of digging.
For docker below 1.12.1:
It turns out that the new client version refuses to work with a private registry without SSL.
To fix this - the daemon on the client machine should be launched with the insecure flag:
Just type:
and then
(replace the
with your own ip address).I would expect the docker guys to add this option to the pull/push command line...
Edit - altenantively - you can add the flag to
env variable inside /etc/default/docker... and thensudo service docker restart
Edit again - It seems that the docker guys are on it - and a fix will come soon: https://github.com/docker/docker/pull/8935
For docker 1.12.1:
Please follow below the answer of vikas027 (valid for centos)
edit docker.service file, add --insecure-registry x.x.x.x after -d flag, restart docker
this is the only thing that worked for me, the DOCKER_OPTS didn't have any effect