I am using ui-router-extras to support parallel state for modal windows. When an modal window is open, the "home" state become inactive, but is still visible in the background. This allows me to have deep link for each modal windows.
However, I am having trouble figure out a good way to set the "default" inactive state to "home" if an user come through a modal window link.
I currently define my states like this:
.state('signup', {
url: '/signup',
onEnter: function($modal) {
templateUrl: 'singup.html',
size: 'large',
controller: 'SignUpController'
check out ui-router-extras release 0.0.12 and above. I've added support for default substates in DSR. See this github issue for details:
And read the updated API docs here: http://christopherthielen.github.io/ui-router-extras/#/dsr
You only posted one state definition! I tried to get the same working and finally figured it out. If you found a solution could you post it? If not please provide more details
Maybe my solution will help