I have a TextView and I want to add a bullet symbol in my text through XML. Is it possible?
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Prolly a better solution out there somewhere, but this is what I did.
It works like you want, but a workaround really.
With Unicode we can do it easily,but if want to change color of bullet, I tried with colored bullet image and set it as drawable left and it worked
This worked for me:
Copy paste: •. I've done it with other weird characters, such as ◄ and ►.
Edit: here's an example. The two
s at the bottom haveandroid:text="◄"
.You have to use the right character encoding to accomplish this effect. You could try with
Just to clarify: use
setText("\u2022 Bullet");
to add the bullet programmatically.0x2022 = 8226
This is how i ended up doing it.
and the code for drawbale/circle.xml is