selecting a marker on leaflet, from a DT row click

2019-05-30 13:27发布

The minimal example below renders a leaflet map with 3 markets, and a DT table with 3 records. When a market on the map is selected, so to is the matching record on the table. However, what I cannot do, is to also have the reverse of that, where a clicked row on the table also shows the related popup on the map.

I have been unable to find an example R shiny leaflet app that does something similar.

CODE tweaked to reflect initial comments


# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(


# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {

    lats <- c(21.608889,21.693056, 24.04)
    longs <- c(-74.650833, -73.095,-74.341944)
    popups <- c('a','b','c')
    layerids <- c('a','b','c')
    iconNames <- c('cog','cog','cog')
    iconColors <- c('red','red','red')

    sampleData <- data_frame(lats,longs, popups,layerids,iconNames,iconColors)

    score <- c(7,3,9)

    locationRanks <- data_frame(popups, score)

    output$opsMap <- renderLeaflet({

        leaflet() %>%
            addTiles() %>% 
            addAwesomeMarkers(lat = sampleData$lats, 
                              lng = sampleData$longs, 
                              popup = sampleData$popups, 
                              layerId = sampleData$layerids,
                              icon = makeAwesomeIcon(icon=sampleData$iconNames, 

    output$ranksDT <- DT::renderDataTable({
        d1 <- datatable(locationRanks,
                        selection = 'single',
                        options = list(dom = 'tpi',
                                       pageLength =5,

    # create a reactive value that will store the click position
    mapClick <- reactiveValues(clickedMarker=NULL)
    mapClick <- reactiveValues(clickedGroup=NULL)

    # create a reactive for the DT  table
    locationClick <-reactiveValues(clickedRow = NULL)

    # observe click events
        mapClick$clickedMarker <- paste(input$opsMap_marker_click$id)
        mapClick$clickedGroup <- paste(input$opsMap_marker_click$group)
        locationClick$clickedRow <- input$ranksDT_rows_selected

    # define a proxy variable for the plant rank table
    proxy1 = dataTableProxy('ranksDT')
    # when map is clicked, make the same table row selection - need row number
    observeEvent(input$opsMap_marker_click$id, {
        a <- which(locationRanks[1] == input$opsMap_marker_click$id)
        proxy1 %>% selectRows(a)

    proxy2 = leafletProxy('opsMap', session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain())
    # if table is clicked, select the same market from the map
    observeEvent(locationClick$clickedRow, {
        a <- as.character(locationRanks[locationClick$clickedRow,1])
        cat(file=stderr(),"clicked row", locationClick$clickedRow, a,'\n')
        #proxy2 %>% opsMap_marker_click$id <- a


# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

标签: r shiny leaflet dt
2楼-- · 2019-05-30 14:09

This is not a solution, just some things that I found out about the code when looking at it.

  1. The ID plantRanks only appears once in your code.

That is in input$plantRanksDT_rows_selected. Such things are easy to find and easy to fix. The correct id should be the output id of the datatable, so ranksDT. Once you replace that, you will see a second issue

  1. proxy2 %>% opsMap_marker_click$id <- a makes no sense.

input$opsMap_marker_click$id exists but can obviously not be written. I don't exactly know how leaflet proxys work, but


looks promising. Good luck!

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