I have posted a sample on plunker:
I get no errors in my browser console.
I want that when I switch the day/week/month views by pressing the according button that below the buttons the html for the view is shown. But that happens not.
The reason might because the day , week and month controllers are not hit in the code whyever that is.
So my question is why are the controllers not loaded or the ui-view not replaced with the real html partial.
As I do not know the real cause I have to ask for both cases.
'use strict';
.module('dates', ['ui.router'])
.run(['$rootScope', '$state', '$stateParams',
function($rootScope, $state, $stateParams) {
$rootScope.$state = $state;
$rootScope.$stateParams = $stateParams;
.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('dates', {
url: '/dateplanner',
abstract: true,
views: {
'menu@': {
templateUrl: 'menu.html'
'content@': {
templateUrl: 'dateplanner.html',
controller: 'DateplannerController'
.state('dates.day', {
url: '/day',
views: {
'planner@': {
templateUrl: 'dateplannerday.html',
controller: 'DateplannerDayController'
.state('dates.week', {
url: '/week',
views: {
'planner@': {
templateUrl: 'dateplanner.week.html',
controller: 'DateplannerWeekController'
.state('dates.month', {
url: '/month',
views: {
'planner@': {
templateUrl: 'dateplanner.month.html',
controller: 'DateplannerMonthController'
<li ng-class="{ activeButton: $state.includes('dates') }" ui-sref-active="active">
<a ui-sref="dates.day">date planner</a>
<div class="btn-group">
<button ui-sref="dates.day" ui-sref-active="btn-primary" type="button" class="btn btn-default">Day</button>
<button ui-sref="dates.week" ui-sref-active="btn-primary" type="button" class="btn btn-default">Week</button>
<button ui-sref="dates.month" ui-sref-active="btn-primary" type="button" class="btn btn-default">Month</button>
<div style="background:white;" ui-view="planner">
As we've discussed it here:
the issue is related to the:
In our case, we can fix this example by extending the child states (day, week, month) resp. their view names to be targeting the absolute view names target:
Because these views target is in the state
we are adding its name after delimiter @, i.e. 'planner@dates'. Also, because this state is parent of all of them, we can skip it. Parent state is behind the scene injected for us by ui-router. Some more explanation:Quick overview
placed inindex.html
is getting the absolute name "content@". The delimiter is@
and state is root represented as "" (string empty). I.e. viewname@statename ===`"content@"The dates children can target parent like "planner@dates" or "planner". They also can target root like "content@"
Please see here http://plnkr.co/edit/8a898K4F0zz1z9VcH9Tq?p=preview what was the reason to use @ in view name ?