I process geographical information and present the results using
matplotlib. All input is lattitude/longitude [degree]. I convert into
x/y [meter] for my calculations. And I present my results in
lattitude/longitude. The problem is to get the graphs aspect-ratio
right: All graphs are too wide. Is there a standard procedure to set the
correct aspect-ratio so I can simply draw my scatter and other diagrams
using lat/lon and the result has the correct shape? On screen and on
paper (png)?
[added this part later] This is a bare-bone stripped version of my problem. I need actual lat/lon values around the axes and an accurate shape (square). Right now it appears wide (2x).
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
plt_area=[0,w,59.5,60.5] #60deg North, adjacent to the prime meridian
matshow(a, extent=plt_area)
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, bottom=0.1, top=0.9)
Don't try to fix this by fiddling
or by changing your data; instead use a Mercator projection.You can get a quick and dirty Mercator projection by using an aspect ratio of the reciprocal of the cosine of the mean latitude of your data. This is "pretty good" for data contained in about 1 degree of latitude, which is about 100 km. (You have to decide if, for your application, this is "good enough". If it isn't, you really have to consider some serious geographical projection libraries...)
I picked Helsinki for the example since at that latitude the aspect ratio is almost 2... because two degrees of longitude is the about same distance as one degree of latitude.
To really see this work: a) run the above, b) resize the window. Then comment out the call to
and do the same. In the first case, the correct aspect ratio is maintained, in the latter you get nonsensical stretching.The points 100km north and east of Helsinki were calculated/confirmed by the EXCELLENT page calculating distances between lat/lng points at Movable Type Scripts
It seems I found the solution. And I found it here: How can I set the aspect ratio in matplotlib?
In matplotlib I usually change the figure size like this:
However this sets the dimensions for the figure outer dimensions, not the plot area. You can change the plot area relative to the figure size given in ratios of the total figure size lengths of x and y respectively:
As long as the the relative ratios stay symmetrically the aspect ratio should be the same for the plot are.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Plot area fills the figure size completely: