I am using a D2k 6i form and getting the error on form from stored database(oracle9i) procedure ORA-00001:Unique constraint(.) violated but i m not able to trace out from which procedure it is coming. can anybody help me regarding this
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I've come across this pattern after much research, head banging and gnashing of teeth:
function seems to give the error code and message, andDBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE
seems to give an honest to goodness stack trace, complete with line numbers and stored procedure names in Oracle 10g at least.I'm not sure if those functions are available in Oracle 9i. I couldn't find much information about this sort of thing even for Oracle 10g, so I thought I would at least post this answer since 9i is quite old (and so it 10g for that matter).
Posting your exception with your question would give us a better idea of what you are confronted with.
Usually an exception will tell you the package and the line number within the error message. From that, you can query the USER_SOURCE table:
It might be useful to know more about the context within which the error was triggered. For that you can use the `BETWEEN' operator:
For posterity, here is the solution the OP found: