Hi I am trying to parse HL7 ORM_o01
Messages but I get an error stating that I cannot get OBR repititions. I'm parsing using HL7 2.3
and this format according to the standard does allow OBR repitions. Below is the HL7
message I'm trying to parse using nHapi
. Is there any way to remove the repitition limit?
PID||36996-13|36996-13||WHITE^TEST^W^^|SMITH|19441215|F|NONE||1540 ECONSTITUTION^^LONG BEACH^CA^90001^^^||(480)795-3023|(480)795-3333||||00012350583|015348184||||
NTE|1||Patient Level Comment Only
DG1|1||001.9^CHOLERA NOS|
GT1|1|000614848|WHITE^TEST^W^^||1540 E CONSTITUTION^^LONGBEACH^CA^90001^^^|(505)791-1023||19441215|F||1|015348184|
IN1|1|PLAN001|210012|BANNER CHOICE PLUS|445 W 5TH PLACE #108^^LOSANGELES^CA^90002||(800)333-4444|BHA001|VALLEY MC||||||PI|WHITE^TEST^W^^|1|19441215|155 E2nd^^LONG BEACH^CA^90001^^^||||||||||||N|||||123456|
OBR|2|000000064||ALT^ALT^L|R|20030723114734|20030723115904||4~CC|Tech|N|||20030723115904|BLDV-BLOOD VENOUS^^^LA~LEFT ARM|40830^LEE^ADMIT^|||||||||||||||285.29^ANEMIA OF OTHERCHRONIC ILLNESS (285.29)^I9||||||||||||||
OBR|2|000000064||ALB^ALBUMIN^L|R|20030723114734|20030723115904||4~CC|Tech|N|||20030723115904|BLDV-BLOOD VENOUS^^^LA~LEFT ARM|40830^LEE^ADMIT^|||||||||||||||285.29^ANEMIA OFOTHER CHRONIC ILLNESS (285.29)^I9||||||||||||||
Ok so with a bit of tinkering I found a method that works...
With the NHapi 2 core .dll files are required; NHapi.Base.dll and NHapi.Model.V23.dll
What you need to do is download the source files which you can do from sourceForge. Open the NHapi.Model.V23 project. In the solution the explorer expand Group then go to the ORM_O01_OBSERVATION.cs file.
inside the class constructor, refer below code:
you need to change
this.add(typeof(OBX), true, false);
to readthis.add(typeof(OBX), true, true);
This will allow OBX to be repeated. You should be able to apply this concept on to any field you are experiencing a problem on.