I have a method that does a couple of database look up and performs some logic.
The MyType
object that I return from the method is as follows:
case class MyResultType(typeId: Long, type1: Seq[Type1], type2: Seq[Type2])
The method definition is like this:
def myMethod(typeId: Long, timeInterval: Interval) = async {
// 1. check if I can find an entity in the database for typeId
val myTypeOption = await(db.run(findMyTypeById(typeId))) // I'm getting the headOption on this result
if (myTypeOption.isDefined) {
val anotherDbLookUp = await(doSomeDBStuff) // Line A
// the interval gets split and assume that I get a List of thse intervals
val intervalList = splitInterval(interval)
// for each of the interval in the intervalList, I do database look up
val results: Seq[(Future[Seq[Type1], Future[Seq[Type2])] = for {
interval <- intervalList
} yield {
(getType1Entries(interval), getType2Entries(interval))
// best way to work with the results so that I can return MyResultType
else {
Now the getType1Entries(interval)
and getType2Entries(interval)
each returns a Future
of Seq(Type1)
and Seq(Type2)
My problem now is to get the Seq(Type1)
and Seq(Type2)
out of the Future
and stuff that into the MyResultType
case class?
If I understood your question correctly, then this should do the trick.
There are two parts to your problem, 1) how to deal with two dependent futures, and 2) how to extract the resulting values.
When dealing with dependent futures, I normally compose them together:
To extract the results I generally use
if I need to make a synchronous response, use_.onComplete()
if I need to deal with potential failure, and use_.foreach()
for most other circumstances.You could refer to this question you asked
Scala transforming a Seq with Future
so you get the
and then call await on it and you have no
at all, you can do what you want.I hope I understood the question correctly.
Oh and by the way you should map
instead of checking if it's defined and returningNone
if it's notcan be simply replaced with