Proper way to implement an editable QAbstractListM

2019-05-29 23:40发布

I am trying to make an editable model for a ListView in QML, using QAbstractListModel. Since it is stated in the Qt Documentation, I tried implementing setData() for my model, but I am facing several issues.

The setData() member function is defined as such:

bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)

However, in my ListView delegate I have something like this:

            anchors.fill: parent

            onClicked: elementClicked(index)

Is there a proper way to cast the index to a QModelIndex to use it in setData()? I tried to craft a QModelIndex using this:

void MainWindow::onElementClicked(int index)
    AbstractItem x = mListModel.getItem(index); //Getting AbstractItem at specific index...
    x.setStatus(); //Changing a boolean value of AbstractItem

    QModelIndex idx = MIListModel.index(0, index, QModelIndex()); //using 0, since the ListView only has 1 row.

    qDebug() << index;
    MIListModel.setData(idx, x, Qt::EditRole); //...and then trying to pass it in setData() to replace the original one.
    qDebug() << "OK";

But then setData() always returns false. Using qDebug() << index.row() and qDebug() << index.column() inside setData(), I found out that the value for both row and column is -1, thus causing the failure.

Also, do I have to implement Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const? In the Qt Documentation(it's the same link as above) they state that it is needed, but I found no relevant example of it being used for QML.

Finally, I am having trouble passing AbstractItem to setData(), since I am getting this:

cannot convert argument 2 from 'const QVariant' to 'const AbstractItem &'

To resolve this, I tried using Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(AbstractItem), but I still get the same error. The only way I could temporarily solve this was changing the setData() member function to use a AbstractItem instead a QVariant. Is this even good practice?

To sum up my problem, I have these questions:

  • How can I cast an int to a QModelIndex to use in setData().
  • Do I also have to reimplement flags() to get an editable model. If so, how?
  • Is it a good idea to change the second argument of setData() to one of my choice? If not, how do I convert my class to QVariant?

If possible, I would also like a source where I can further study using QAbstractListModel with QML.

Edit: Removed additional question as it was off-topic.

标签: c++ qt qml
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