How can I do a proximity search for two multi-word phrases in Lucene. For example, I want to find all black lab* (black labrador, black labradoodle, etc) withing 5 words of the phrase "pet shop". Which analyzer should I be using? Which query parser would be recommended? I'm working with Lucene.NET. I've ported the ComplexPhraseQueryParser from Java to C#, but that parser doesn't seem to be doing the trick (or perhaps I'm just using it wrong). I'm just getting started with Lucene, so your help is much appreciated.
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You can use a SpanQuery for this:
The default Lucene
doesn't support span queries, but you could try the Surround query parser. I couldn't find much else in the way of documentation.You may also find this answer and this blog post useful.
You just need to set the slop.