I'm trying to get Google's "People also search for" content on the search results page and I'm using PhantomJS to scrape their results. However, that Knowledgebase part I need does not show up in the body
I get. Does anyone know what I could do to have it shown to me?
Here's the code:
var phantom = require('phantom');
phantom.create(function (ph) {
ph.createPage(function (page) {
page.open("http://www.google.com/ncr", function (status) {
console.log("opened google NCR ", status);
page.evaluate(function () { return document.title; }, function (result) {
console.log('Page title is ' + result);
page.open("https://www.google.com/search?gws_rd=ssl&site=&source=hp&q=google&oq=google", function (status) {
console.log("opened google Search Results ", status);
page.evaluate(function () { return document.body; }, function (result) {
PS I have to first request `google.com/ncr' to force-load Google.Com's results as I'm based in Germany and the German version does not have the knowledge graph. Maybe the requests above can also be simplified...
It may be that the page's js hasn't finished by the time you get the body. Try adding this into your page.evaluate.
You may need to fiddle with the time.
Also you can use jquery by doing
page.includeJs('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js', function(){<your logic>});
after opening the page but before running the evaluate.Found the answer - had to manually set the userAgent to something like
Modified code below: