How to get at the request object when using endpoi

2019-05-29 20:05发布

I'm testing a method to reject requests to our GAE API if not providing a shared-id as discussed in my SO question here. This involves using the hiddenProperty method suggested by bossylobster.

My demo code on GAE looks like this:

import endpoints

from endpoints_proto_datastore.ndb import EndpointsAliasProperty
from endpoints_proto_datastore.ndb import EndpointsModel
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from protorpc import remote

DEFAULT_ORDER = 'created, sid'

class TestModel(EndpointsModel):
    _message_fields_schema = ('sid', 'a1', 'a2', 'created')
    a1 = ndb.StringProperty()
    a2 = ndb.StringProperty()
    created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

    def SidSet(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, basestring):
            raise TypeError('SID must be a string.')
        self.UpdateFromKey(ndb.Key(TestModel, value))

    @EndpointsAliasProperty(setter=SidSet, required=True)
    def sid(self):
        if self.key is not None:
            return self.key.string_id()

    def order(self):
        return super(TestModel, self).order

@endpoints.api(name='demogaeapi', version='v1',       
               description='My Demo API')
class MyApi(remote.Service):

    def testModelGet(self, test_model):

        appId,keytype = request.get_unrecognized_field_info('hiddenProperty')
        if appId != 'shared-id':
           raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('No, you dont!')

        if not test_model.from_datastore:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException('testModel not found.')
        return test_model

application = endpoints.api_server([MyApi], restricted=False)

My question is: how do I get at the request object in this line?

  • pwd,keytype = request.get_unrecognized_field_info('hiddenProperty')

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