I want to merge mp3 audio file with surfaceview recorded video in background. So after lots of research i get FFmpeg concept for achieving this kind of functionality. But i am not know how to configure Ffmpeg library with ndk in android studio using windows 7 64 bit os. So if any one can have knowledge about it so please share with me. Thank you in advance.
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step 1. Install Cygwin64 (you must be install dos2unix)
step 2. Install android-ndk (current version r12b)
step 3. Install ffmpeg (current version 3.1.1)
step 4. Extract ffmpeg-3.1.1 in android-ndk path (ret: d:\Android\ndk\android-ndk-r12b/ffmpeg-3.1.1)
step 5. Execute Cygwin64 (with Admin rights)
step 6. Follow http://www.roman10.net/2013/08/18/how-to-build-ffmpeg-with-ndk-r9/ this page's step 2 & 3 (you need to edit build_android.sh)
step 7. You can see that
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