So I would like to run two programs, a timer and a math question. But always the input seems to be stopping the timer funtion or not even run at all. Is there any ways for it to get around that? I'll keep the example simple.
import time
start_time = time.time()
correct = answer
answer = input("9 + 9 = ")
#technically a math question here
#so here until i enter the input prevents computer reading the code
while True:
timer = time.time() - start_time
if timer > 3:
#3 seconds is the limit
So recap i would like the player to answer the question in less than 3 seconds.
after the 3 seconds the game will print wrong and exit
if the player answer within three seconds the timer would be 'terminated' or stopped before it triggers 'wrong' and quit
hope you understand, and really appreciate your help
On Windows you can use the msvcrt module's
functions (I modernized this code example a little bit):I'm not sure what exactly you have to do on other operating systems (research termios, tty, select).
Another possibility would be the curses module which has a getch function as well and you can set it to
(non-blocking), but for Windows you first have to download curses from Christopher Gohlke's website.