I am having a set of Links in my page and I have attached the facebox jQuery functionality so that whenever a link is pressed, it will get a nice popup
<a href="coach_selector_popup?day=<%= day %>&hour=<%= hour %>" rel="facebox">
Below is the script that I use for 'facebox'ing.
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
The above is working fine. But when I render it again on response to some AJAX call, the functionality is getting lost, meaning when I click on the link I am redirected to a page instead of a facebox popup.
I know that I need to do something when I repaint, can someone point me to the right direction?
Edit: I am doing a render partial on my controller like this.
render(:partial => "grid_item" , :locals => {:day=>d, :hour=>h)
Include the javascript code you mentioned inside you partial. I am guessing it will be executed again when loading it. I am not sure if the document.ready event is triggered on a partial update, but i think it is.
Assuming you are using a
or something similar, you could also use the:complete
option to add your javascript callback, e.g. like this:Hope it helps!
you have to call
again after new elements are added... use a callback function on your ajax...