Are there any advantages of std::for_each
over for
loop? To me, std::for_each
only seems to hinder the readability of code. Why do then some coding standards recommend its use?
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Like many of the algorithm functions, an initial reaction is to think it's more unreadable to use foreach than a loop. It's been a topic of many flame wars.
Once you get used to the idiom you may find it useful. One obvious advantage is that it forces the coder to separate the inner contents of the loop from the actual iteration functionality. (OK, I think it's an advantage. Other's say you're just chopping up the code with no real benifit).
One other advantage is that when I see foreach, I know that either every item will be processed or an exception will be thrown.
A for loop allows several options for terminating the loop. You can let the loop run its full course, or you can use the break keyword to explicitly jump out of the loop, or use the return keyword to exit the entire function mid-loop. In contrast, foreach does not allow these options, and this makes it more readable. You can just glance at the function name and you know the full nature of the iteration.
Here's an example of a confusing for loop:
The advantage of writing functional for beeing more readable, might not show up when
).If you utilize all algorithms in functional.h, instead of using for-loops, the code gets a lot more readable;
is much more readable than;
And that is what I think is so nice, generalize the for-loops to one line functions =)