Please bear with me, if you find this question so stupid. I am a beginner to knockout and trying to learn it.
I want to bind image source to an expression. The expression is responsible to generate a path and that path must be applied as the Source to the img.
<ul id='AllPatient' data-role='listview' data-inset='true' data-bind="foreach:Patients">
@*<li><span data-bind="text: ko.toJSON($data)"></span></li>*@
<table class="Tabular">
<td class="DataCell">
<a href="javascript:" id="pLocation" sortorder="none"><span data-bind="text:$data.UnitName">
<td class="DataCellImage">
<a href="javascript:" id="addPatient" sortorder="none" data-bind="click:$root.addPatient">
<img data-bind="attr:{src: $root.ImageSource}" src="~/Content/Images/MPL/PersonAdd.png" /></a>
I am using following databinding ViewModel:
function PatientsModel(data)
var self = this;
self.Patients = ko.observableArray([]);
self.ImageSource = function (model)
if (model.myPatient == true)
return PyxisLinkJS.RootURL + '/Content/Images/MPL/MyPatientGray.png';
else if (model.localPatient == true)
return PyxisLinkJS.RootURL + '/Content/Images/MPL/PersonAdd.png';
return PyxisLinkJS.RootURL + '/Content/Images/MPL/MyPatientGray.png';
This is what happening: It is trying to set function body of ImageSource as the src for the Image. Where as I want to trigger the method ImageSource and set the return value as the Src of the Image.
Regards, Sumeet
It's returning the function instead of the string, call it AS a function
Also, you can combine these two: