Can someone point me to the Akka version that has the package I am currently using Akka 1.2-RC6. google searches on this topic result in broken links about Cloudy Akka...
- Unusual use of the new keyword
- Get Runtime Type picked by implicit evidence
- What's the point of nonfinal singleton objects
- PlayFramework: how to transform each element of a
- Error in Scala Compiler: java.lang.AssertionError:
- Gatling拓展插件开发,check(bodyString.saveAs("key"))怎么实现
- RDF libraries for Scala [closed]
- Why is my Dispatching on Actors scaled down in Akk
- How do you run cucumber with Scala 2.11 and sbt 0.
- GRPC: make high-throughput client in Java/Scala
- Setting up multiple test folders in a SBT project
- Testing request with CSRF Token in Play framework
- Run project with java options via sbt
Clustering functionality will be part of the 2.0 Release. At the moment the best way to use it, is to check it out from:
Please be aware that 2.0 is work in progress. Lots of things can change until the release.
Cloudy Akka was described here as a suite of commercial add-on modules for Akka.
The original company developing Akka have since merged with Typesafe.
The latest seems to be this topic from the akka user mailing list, specifically: