I'm seeing a full GC about once an hour in our Glassfish application. Extract from the GC log:
9.210: [Full GC 28311K->27979K(6422528K), 0.3770238 secs]
3609.647: [Full GC 1186957K->597880K(6478208K), 4.5102977 secs]
7214.192: [Full GC 742184K->595596K(6469504K), 4.3726625 secs]
10818.805: [Full GC 756228K->570803K(6455936K), 4.8630472 secs]
And this pattern roughly repeats as long as Glassfish is up. The "..." in between are incremental GCs. The timing seems awfully suspicious- why would we be seeing full GC's about once an hour?
JVM startup parameters:
According to JVisualVM, we're no where close to running out of heap space.
Glassfish, Oracle JDK 1.6.0_45, Windows Server 2008
I suspect your RMI is triggering a Full clean up.
default to hourly checks.
I would set these to a day or a week for you believe you don't need these.
You could also try to disable explicit GC (
) and see if the FullGCs go away.