I have a tile based map where several tiles are walls and others are walkable. the walkable tiles make up a graph I would like to use in path planning. My question is are their any good algorithms for finding a path which visits every node in the graph, minimising repeat visits?
For example:
map example http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/3488/mapq.png
If the bottom yellow tile is the starting point, the best path to visit all tiles with least repeats is:
path example http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/7773/mapd.png
There are two repeat visits in this path. A worse path would be to take a left at the first junction, then backtrack over three already visited tiles.
I don't care about the end node but the start node is important.
I added pictures to my question but cannot see them when viewing it. here they are:
Additionally, in the graphs I need this for there will never be a situation where min repeats = 0. That is, to step on every tile in the map the player must cross his own path at least once.
Your wording is bad -- it allows a reduction to an NP-complete problem. If you could minimize repeat visits, then could you push them to 0 and then you would have a Hamiltonian Cycle. Which is solvable, but hard.
This sounds like it could be mapped onto the traveling salesman problem ... and so likely ends up being NP complete and no efficient deterministic algorithm is known.
Finding a path is fairly straight forward -- find a (or the minimum) spanning subtree and then do a depth/breadth-first traversal. Finding the optimal route is the really difficult bit.
You could use one of the dynamic optimization techniques to try and converge on a fairly good solution.
Unless there is some attribute of the minimum spanning subtree that could be used to generate the best path ... but I don't remember enough graph theory for that.