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I'am using CommonOptionsParser
to parse arguments for clang tool:
// parse the command-line args passed to your code
CommonOptionsParser op(argc, argv);
// create a new Clang Tool instance (a LibTooling environment)
ClangTool Tool(op.getCompilations(), op.getSourcePathList());
// run the Clang Tool, creating a new FrontendAction (explained below)
int result =<SomeAction>());
and next parameters:
llvm/Debug+Asserts/bin/mytool /somePath/ --
When I run my tool (based on clang libtooling) on some source file, tool tries find included files, f.e:
#import “SomeClass.h”
, or #import<Foundation/Foundation.h>
And if it cannot find headers, it generates errors:
fatal error: ‘Foundation/Foundation.h’ file not found.
Could you tell me, if you know, how can I direct tool to the standard frameworks? And How can I direct it to the some header search path? How can I set headers search path when running tool?
I've solved the issue. you can add path to framework with options
BUT, standard frameworks usually included with name of framework as prefixes
frameworks sources are placed in the folder called
, so clang cannot find them. So, i'am going to find solution for that issue.UPDATE: