I can't figure out why we are passing in a model.toJSON() into this template:
app.TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
template: _.template($('#item-template').html()),
render: function(){
return this; // enable chained calls
The example comes from this tutorial.
is the confusing part to me. The template method doesn't seem to take in an argument right? What is going on?
function takes a template string as argument (and optionally a settings object) and returns a new pre-compiled template function which takes an object as an argument.This object is the data used within the template:
returns a shallow copy or theattributes
hash of the model.To achieve the equivalent of the above example:
For Underscore.js before v1.7, the template function signature was a little different:
If a data object was passed, it didn't returned a function, but returned the rendered template string directly.