I have just downloaded and compiled curl. In my /usr/include folder I can see folder, 'curl' and I can see that I do, indeed, have '/usr/include/curl/curl.h'. However I cannot talk XCode into looking there when compiling.
#import <curl/curl.h>
In my target's properties I have included '/usr/include' to 'Header Search Paths'. The build continues to fail stating that it cannot find 'curl/curl.h'
Am I not adding my search paths correctly?
User Header Search Paths - searched for
#include "..."
andHeader Search Paths for
#include <...>
.when we will provide its its frame work then it's class name then Header Search Paths need to be define.
#import <framework/class.h>
when we directly import class name form any lib then User Header Search Paths need to be
#import "class.h"