I have created background nsurlsession to perform download task. It worked well when the app was in background. However, download task seems to be canceled and failed when I closed the app (double click "Home" button and swipe up), and it made me to download from the beginning again when I relaunched the app. According to Apple document, background transfer works even the app is no longer running. Am I doing anything wrong?
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From the NSURLSessionConfiguration Class Reference:
So, while background transfers will continue if iOS itself closes your app during the normal course of things, if you force the quit from the multitasking screen, it will kill all your transfers.
In the first paragraph of
documentation, we can observe:Now notice where it states:
It looks like only OS X applications have the ability to finish background tasks while your app isn't running.
The app is not relaunched for background downloads when the user has force quit.
The iOS8 documentation for application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler: says: