I have to bind generic Java class in Android binding project in Xamarin. Below is the code for normal class binding I added in metadata.xml
<add-node path="/api/package[@name='com.phunware.mapping.manager']">
<interface abstract="true" deprecated="not deprecated" extends="java.lang.Object" extends-generic-aware="java.lang.Object" final="false" name="Callback" static="false" visibility="public">
<method abstract="true" deprecated="not deprecated" final="false" name="onSuccess" native="false" return="void" static="false" synchronized="false" visibility="public">
<parameter name="building" type="com.phunware.mapping.model.Building"/>
<add-node path="/api/package[@name='com.phunware.mapping.manager']/class[@name='PhunwareMapManager']">
<method abstract="false" deprecated="not deprecated" final="false" name="addBuilding" native="false" return="com.phunware.mapping.manager.PhunwareMapManager" static="false" synchronized="false" visibility="public">
<parameter name="buildingId" type="long"/>
<parameter name="callback" type="com.phunware.mapping.manager.Callback"/>
Equivalent java classes and methods getting binded are as below.
package com.phunware.mapping.manager;
public interface Callback<T> {
void onSuccess(T var1);
void onFailure(Throwable var1);
new Callback<Building>() {
public void onSuccess(Building building) {
Log.d(TAG, "Building loaded successfully");
currentBuilding = building;
// Populate floor spinner
// Set building to initial floor value
FloorOptions initialFloor = building.initialFloor();
// Animate the camera to the building at an appropriate zoom level
CameraUpdate cameraUpdate = CameraUpdateFactory
.newLatLngBounds(initialFloor.getBounds(), 4);
If I try to bind this Callback class as normal class, addBuilding
method is not visible as it takes generic class as argument.
Request to help me find a way to handle the generic class in metadata.xml