I have created a app where you can download YouTube videos for android. Now, I want it so that if you play a video in the YouTube native app you can download it too. To do this, I need to know the Intent that the YouTube native app puts out in order to play the YouTube app.
I could do this easially if I had the YouTube program on my emulator, so my 1st question is:
1. Can I download the YouTube app for my emulator, or...
2. What is the intent used when the user selects a video for playback.
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You can use the Youtube Android player API to play the video if Youtube app is installed, otherwise just prompt the user to choose from the available web browsers.
This will work on a device but not the emulator per Lemmy's answer.
Try this:
Use my code .. I am able to play youtube video using this code ... you just need to provide youtube video id in the "videoId" variable ....
Replying to old question, just to inform you guys that package have changed, heres the update
This works very well, but when you call normal Intent with ACTION_VIEW with valid youtube URL user gets the Activity selector anyways.