I am creating an electron which running react generated from create-react-app. Then i add nedbjs(a persistence database) and camojs(ODM for nedb) as dependency. To connect react with nedb i use electron ipc.
Here is my project structure:
And here is my package.json:
"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts start",
"build": "react-scripts build",
"test": "react-scripts test --env=jsdom",
"eject": "react-scripts eject",
"electron-dev": "concurrently \"cross-env BROWSER=none yarn start\" \"wait-on http://localhost:3000 && electron .\"",
"electron-pack": "build --em.main=build/electron.js",
"electron-release": "build --em.main=build/electron.js --publish=always",
"preelectron-pack": "yarn build",
"preelectron-release": "yarn build"
"build": {
"appId": "com.example.cra-electron-boilerplate",
"files": [
"directories": {
"buildResources": "assets"
"publish": {
"provider": "github"
I use command yarn electron-pack to package my app. And then running the unpacked executable from dist folder then got this error:
Here is my repo
To add a file or folder on your electron build folder, you can add the extraFiles options on package.json. Here is an example to copy a "credential" directory:
And then
Hope it will help