Following the idea of @PhiLho's answer to How to convert a BufferedImage to 8 bit?, I want to use ColorQuantizerDescriptor
to convert a BufferedImage
, imageType TYPE_INT_RGB, but RenderedOp#getColorModel() is throwing the following exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The specified ColorModel is incompatible with the image SampleModel. at at at
This is the code that I am attempting to use:
final RenderedOp medianCutQuantizerOp = ColorQuantizerDescriptor.create(rgbImage, ColorQuantizerDescriptor.MEDIANCUT, 256, null, null, null, null, null);
final BufferedImage bi = medianCutQuantizerOp.getAsBufferedImage(null, medianCutQuantizerOp.getColorModel());
How do I use ColorQuantizerDescriptor
The following example has been modified from
Works for me:
Edit: tried with your median cut and seems to work as well, though much slower.