MATCH (n:Topic { mongoId: {_id} })-[r]-() DELETE n,r RETURN r;
That returns the error 'Error: Relationship 1509 has been deleted'.
However, I need r.mongoId
to delete entries in another database.
How do I do this with Neo4j 2.2.3?
I'm doing this through the Seraph library. Is there a way to collect a property, delete the relationships, and return the collection?
I just need this data: MATCH (n:Topic { mongoId: _id })-[r]-() RETURN COLLECT(r.mongoId);
You can use a
clause to alias the data you want to return before deleting the node and relationship. Something like this:Or you could break it up into two queries, one to retrieve the property you want, then the second to delete the relationship and node.
EDIT: you most likely want to specify a directed relationship to avoid duplicate
properties returned: