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Based on this question, when you call closesocket()
on a socket that recv()
is already using, then an RST
packet will be sent to the other side instead of performing a graceful disconnection (4-way handshake).
But I wish to perform a graceful disconnection, so I need to exit recv()
before calling closesocket()
Is there a way to do that?
The real issue here is that a sure kill, terminatethread(), has all kinds of warnings on it about bad effects of its use. I have been using this method to exit an recv(). The windows docs says "you must know what the thread is doing before applying terminatethread", well, we know what it is doing, its in recv(). The question is not what the THREAD is doing, its what windows kernel is doing.
In the embedded system RTOSes I have done killthread() is doable. Its not EASY, you have to find every single lock and resource owned by the thread and back it out. Only the OS has that kind of information (and power).
You can
the socket for input. Therecv()
will unblock and return zero and everybody will be happy.