I want to send a email using a href="mailto.." I have this working code below:
<cfset month = URL.Month>
<cfset year = URL.Year>
<cfquery datasource="newsletters" name="testing">
SELECT * FROM departments_names
where dates >='#datestart#' and dates < #dateend#
AND shooting_star_dept_name IS NOT NULL
DATEPART(year, dates),
DATEPART(month, dates),
<cfoutput query="testing" GROUP="deptartmetn_name">
<a href="mailto:?subject=#month#/#year#%20%20Results%20for%20newsletters&
Send email to #deptartmetn_name#</a></td>
Which just send a simple "12/2" (for example). I would like to be able to send more than just simple text. I would like when i click on a link to be able to send a table like below:
<tr >
<th> First Name</th>
<th> Last Name</th>
<cfoutput query="testing">
<tr >
I would like to see what I'm sending first to the recipient. Would something like this be possible or is there a better way to do this? My first post here and beginner to coding.
You could use an AJAX callback on your links and use
(for the actual HTML content/body of the message) in your callback handler code.